The appendix of the book is made up of the following sections:
I - The Sand Creek Massacre
II - The Ponca Case
III - Testimonies to Indian Character
IV - Outrages Committed on Indians by Whites
V - Extracts from the Report of the Commission Sent to Treat with the Sioux Chief Sitting Bull, in Canada
VI - Account of Some of the Old Grievances of the Sioux
VII - Letter from Sarah Winnemucca, an Educated Pah-Ute Woman
VIII - Laws of the Delaware Nation on Indians
IX - Account of the Cherokee who Invented the Cherokee Alphabet
X - Prices Paid by White Men for Scalps
XI - Extract from Treaty with Cheyennes in 1865
XII - Wood-cutting by Indians in Dakota
XIII - Sequel to the Walla Walla Massacre
XIV - An Account of the Numbers, Location, and Social and Industrial Condition of Each Important Tribe and Band of Indians within the United States
XV - Report on the Condition and Needs of the Mission Indians of California
Section XV is a report that was written by both Helen herself and Abbot Kinney (a California resident who spoke Spanish), they had been appointed as Special Agents by the U.S. Government and their findings were submitted to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The outcome of this report was a Senate bill to improve conditions. Unfortunately, it was killed in the House of Representatives.
Once again, the poor condition of this volume can be seen in the above photo.
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